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Find a Psychiatrist near Greenbelt MD


Mental health is a crucial component of overall health & wellbeing. Mental health is affected by multiple socioeconomic factors, including a person’s living conditions, employment status, etc. It not just affects the individual but also their families & careers. Physical health and mental health are also related. People with mental ailments are more likely to build up physical ailments and are likely to die earlier than the general population. 


Navigate The Storms Of Your Life With Licensed Psychiatrists:


If you are struggling with your mental health find help right now here at AKACHI Primary and Urgent Care LLC. Get immediate access to experienced and licensed psychiatrists in Greenbelt MD who can help you overcome your mental struggles. We can be your beacon of hope as you navigate the storms of your life. Whether you are always feeling anxious or lost in the wilderness, our personalized mental health service in Greenbelt MD helps in restoring the emotional &behavioral balance in your life. 


In-person & Online Counseling:


We specialized in offering a wide range of face-to-face therapy sessions including family, group, couple, individual and early childhood. Also, we offer quality online mental health counseling sessions that you can participate right from the comfort and privacy of your living room. 


Get access to client centered counseling practice:


We are client-focused counseling practice comprised of exceedingly competent & compassionate mental health specialists. Our Psychiatrist in Greenbelt MD can help you obtain new coping skills & conquer roadblocks in your life in a supportive & judgment-free environment.  Our mental health counselors will guide you in better comprehending yourself and others around you, so that you can conquer your personal goals with ease. We specialized in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), motivational interviewing, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, behavioral modification techniques, etc. 


Feel free to contact us if you want to talk to a Psychiatrist near Greenbelt MD about the mental illness you are currently experiencing. We would love to help you with your mental struggles and make life easier for you! 


Akachi Primary and Urgent Care
8957 Edmonston Road, Suite P
Greenbelt, MD 20770
Phone: 207-600-2842
Fax: 301-345-1540

Office Hours

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